Roaming in the late-spring morning that deluged with fresh moisture,
I wondered why a intimate friendship in the past could become a
estranged one after we all grew up?
Does the time river slit the continent called acquaintance into
disjuction and the gap repel day after day that make the alienation
or just the steel luster of friendship fade itself?

Intermittently, jovial images of playing baseball with my frineds
in childhood, crazy hooky and tricks in my adolescence or traveling
abroad with graduate schoolmates just spring out from my deep memory
without consciousness when I was sleeping, walking, eating and even
watching TV. Everytime after realizing these subconscious my prefrontal
cortex reminds my mind to take some actions such as phone-call-making or
e-mail-sending to enhance the relationship but several seconds later
a phantom shows up in the same position of my mind whispering like this:
"He, everybody is busy! Don't disturb their life if you are a real friend."
I always surrender to the second evil voice time after time then a sense
of remorse coming back and the whole thought of me will be traumatized in
the mire of the bemoaning circle.

Especially for those friends accompanying my growth in high school, I always
concern about the life surrounding with them. Do they all get a good job now?
Still single or not? Is there any obstruction or objection challenging their ego?
I believe they can conquer every barrier in front of them if their will strill as
concrete as they were in the past. No matter what background you graduated
from that isn't a reason to detach from each other. Different knowledge areas
should be a glue to joint us together and a issue to share assorted information.

More convenient tech brings to human beings, more alienative side effect comes too.

Technology is innocent, but mankind's heart isn't.

I'm a Virgo, sentimental and zealous Virgo.

I hope that all you guys can find yourselves and enjoy the world.
The road you're walking on may be not smooth enough but the highway to friend is
always free.

A essay for all my dear friends.
Tears misses you and cares about you.

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