pls, don't read this article if u are under 18.

I don't know if time takes us into it's fast whirlpool, or we suck time into our inner world.
It feels like the day we broke up just yesterday, but now here comes the forth quarter.
275 days have passed by, the last time we met is the day we had the last sex too.
Everything seems so obvious and clean form now, I should read the message you try to deliver from your brown eyes in the language of silence- alienation.
Making love should be the most marvelous thing in the world, it's undoubful
truth, but not that time.
I can feel neither the intimate feeling nor the fantastic pleasing, the only thing
between us is lust, the most original instinct of any animal.
No even a groan when I buried my face in the curve of your neck.
A smell of sluttery suffered in the air, seamlessly.
There is just intercourse when the ingredient called love is vanished.
What's it?
Was ther any message you tried to hide? Or any clue you tried to leak?
I utterly understand in this instant- you were thinking about someone else.
How could I miss this when you were blinking the eyes-contact with me?

The fact is always hurt, ALWAYS!
The only thing I've ever loved completely, without any doubt, is you and your body.
I loved it. Temperature, softness, scent, whispers, curled hair and mascara...
All of these are godamn shit now.
Fiasco is the only thing survived after this catastrophe.
I can hardly figure out what else left, hate?
There was a fine line between love and hate, we heart that cliche all the time.
I never want to say the word "hate" cause, how could you really hate someone who you ever put every cautiousness on? How could you?
Love and hate, two extremes of one spectrum, how could that two exist at the same time?
The best medicine for paralizing the irremedical pain is the pain itself.

Is ther anything could be immortal across the universe?
Yes, cheating.

Cheating is a little like a scar on a polished wooden table- you'd try to see the
rest of the gleaming surface, but your eyes and your fingers would be drawn to the
pitted part, the one thing that kept it from perfect.

Crackbrain is the ending of persistence, just like cheating is the one of love.

Ache will wane with time, but not scar.
It'll stand there everytime you turn round, and laughing at you with no mercy.

I'm dreaming, and will never wake up.

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